1984 1984 is a novel about how greathearted buddy is compulsory the world. Winston smith is a atom of the outermost fellowship. He was life-time a tedious life when he starts writing downwards his thoughts in his diary. In Oceania, almost anything you do is illegal. They limit your thoughts so the caller cant fight against big associate. Big fellow watches the Proles every single move. The telescreen is what watches them at all times. smith started rift these rules by committing thought crime. Smith come backs Big Brother isnt watching, but they know that he is committing a crime. Julia, penis of the Outer Party, first meets Smith when he assisted her when she fell. She gave him a smell that says I extol you. Smith was so shock by this and did not know how to respond to it. Smith was stir to exhibition any affection towards her because he thought she was a member of the Junior Anti-Sex League. She started following her and Smith talked to her. She was a irregu lar against the Party just like Smith was. They had a love inter-group communication thinking the Party didnt know. But because Big Brother sees everything, they already knew about the love affair. They meet with OBrien who they think is a rebel also. OBrien tricks them by plentiful them a book by Goldstein and gaining their trust.

Smith and Julia were in their sleeping readjustment when the Thought Police came and took them to the Ministry of Love. The Ministry of Love is a dark federal agency with no windows that turns rebels into lovers. Smith finds out OBrien tricked them and sends him board 101. OBrien asks Smith what is 2+2? Smit h answers 4 and was floor by electric pulse! . OBrien tortures him Smith until he says 5 because whatever Big Brother says is the right thing. Smith could no longer homecoming the agonizing pain and turns Julia in. They permit him and rid and as he left Ministry of Love he love Big Brother. The theme is that too much provide given up to the Government is very bad. They will soft start to take over and will have abundant control.If you want to energize a full essay, order it on our website:
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